The Online World shareware book Revision history ================================================ The following major changes have been done to The Online World shareware book since its original release: Version 1.3 January 8, 1994 ---------------------------- * Using gopher services by email (Gophermail) * Using Internet's finger by email * Using Internet's ping by email * Online store with over 260,000 book titles, * Online store offering over 80,000 CD records * References to CCITT replaced by ITU-TSS. Revised ITU information. * The Gale Directory of Databases * China Import/Export news * CitiBank Global Report * Many new sources for music lovers * The NewNIR-L mailing list. * Majordomo * MIME * Added references to several Frequently Asked Questions files * More on Internet "demos", * More on RFCs * More books. * The Sierra Network is now The ImagiNation Network. * URL (Universal Resource Locater), and HTTP. * Irving Kind's Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms * The text has been reformated. Margins are now 1-76. Single-spaced text with double-spacing between paragraphs, and with full-block text rather than indentations at the beginning of paragraphs. * Readers can now send their credit card number by PGP encrypted email when registering. Version 1.2 November 1, 1993 ------------------------------ * Added the home-ed mailing list, and The University of Phoenix's accredited degrees through courses conducted online * Corrected addresses for lists previously at RPIECS * The SIMTEL20 software library was closed. The software is now available through the SimTel Software Repository. * The Maastricht Treaty on European Union * Directory of scholarly electronic conferences * More science fiction, music, and The CIA World Factbook. * Forums for Mark Twain, Tolkien, - and the bizarre * Tarzan and Frankenstein (books) * Searching Webster's dictionary * Eunet Deutchland GmbH * Travel Britain Online * The World Health Organization * Advantis (IBM) * "The Totally Unofficial List of Internet Muds" * More WordPerfect support * Financial Times' thirty international business reports. * Sources on business in Mexico from Dow Jones. * Forums for international trade and management. * Trends: Interactive newspapers. Global telephone. Email by voice phone. CD-ROM supported communications. * New books and magazines. * Information about Compress, Demos, Jughead, RIP, SNA, .TAR, and .Z Version 1.1. September 1, 1993 ------------------------------- * Added The Internet Resource Directory for Educators * Chinese character codes (Big5/GuoBiao) * Hytelnet * Netfind * TRICKLE * Access to WHOIS * InterNIC's automated mail service * South African Bibliographic and Information Network * Added CHPOEM-L, and some other conferences/forums * Continental Cablevision's Internet connection * Updated addresses to all APC host computers * Updated text about CIX (England) * Email to Advantis IBMmail * New address to SuperNet/SuperBBS * New phone numbers/NUA numbers to TWICS (Japan) * Expanded on computer viruses * (Most) registration rates are now in US$. * The TOW support forum * Addresses to the book's Danish and German publishers * Added books/magazines to appendix 5 Version 1.0. August 5, 1993 --------------------------- Initial release as shareware. For information, contact Odd de Presno at .